Mad May Catch-up

>> Monday, May 4, 2009

So it's May already and the year is spinning by. Thankfully for us Queenslanders the first weekend in May is a long weekend with the Labor Day holiday today being a much appreciated addition to the weekend.

To keep things reasonably concise, here is a brief rundown on what we've been up to this long weekend: both boys played soccer this weekend and both of their teams won their match (makes a nice change, trust me!)

Lucas' mate Elliot came for Saturday night - they have been tight friends since Grade One and are peas in a pod - luckily they include Simon in everything too! Lucas then went to Elliot's for Sunday night - so a nice quiet one here with Simon! It's going to be a shock when they are in different Year 8 classes next year!

We've been out visiting today too which has been nice - always great to get out and about and have a coffee with friends while the kids climb trees.

Poor Masa had a sleep-over of his own at the vet after jinxing his neck somehow. He is home now and still very quiet and completely nlike himself. Hopefully the anti-inflammatory medicine will work wonders and he'll be up and about soon!

Yesterday I cooked up a couple of soap batches. The first one, is coloured with cocoa powder and fragranced with Mocha Essence. I also sprinkled some instant coffee granules on top - must say that it smells divine and looks creamy enough to eat (which I won't despite the temptation!!) The first picture is it gelling away in its mould and then looking mighty delicious all sliced up!

The second batch is a raspberry soap and my first real attempt at a swirl. Welllllllllll ... I have a little practice required to perfect swirling! Luckily it smells absolutely divine even if it does not quite look as intended. I have a fair idea about what to do differently next time, but I guess what I love so much about soapmaking is not ever really knowing how it will turn out. The big creamy globs were actually meant to be delicately and intricately swished through the bar, but I guess practice will eventually make perfect ..... I do hope anyway!

Work has been just flat out and so I must say that soapmaking was a nice distraction on the weekend and a great smelling way to relax. The full time aspect is still something I am coming to grips with (wish I knew how *normal* people do it!!!) and those acronyms are still beyond me. I am convincing myself that it is geat experience, will look fabbo on my resume and that there are only 8 weeks till holidays.

There is still so much I want to do here on my blog and so many places of interest that I want to link to. I think I need to spend a half day trying to get my head around Draft Blogger and organise this to become more of what I wanted it to be like. Next weekend might just be the time to do it! Back then!


About This Blog

This little space on the web is to share the lessons I've learnt - and am learning - in good living. Some of them I apply regularly and yet others I wish I was more consistent with.

I'm planning on having lots of things to read, share and think about, all in the quest to live the best life possible! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you return to share my journey.

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