2 in, 1 out and some visitors!

>> Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hooray, hooray the boys are home and the sqeezy hugs I received this morning compare with nothing on this Earth. It feels so good and so right to have my babies back under my roof. Already the house is in dissaray and there are boys' things on the floor to trip over, but this is how it is meant to be! We're off to dinner over at Mum and Dad's which will be lovely as I know the rascals have been missed by them too!

So, the two boys come home and the flower farmer goes fishing. A well deserved break and I'm so glad he's getting away from it all for a few days. He and some mates had planned this trip a month or so back, only to have to reschedule due to an impending cyclone off the coast which never eventuated. Someone who works seven days a week, every week, and often 12 + hours a day at that, deserves to go charter fishing whenever he can squeeze the time in. The big hope is that he'll travel home with a styrofoam box full of fish from the sea!

It was brilliant to have a long overdue catch up with Ali, Jack and Cammy today. It has been aaaages since we've had the opportunity and there was, as always, a zillion things to talk about! As you can see from the pics, Lu absolutely adores Cammy and was such a responsible young man playing with Cammy and helping to keep him safe and away from any no-no's.

I was very impressed with Lu's patience and kindness today - he really is a great kid! Cammy loves him back I think and seemed to have a special smile saved for when he spied Lu! Simey and Jack versed each other with Playstation battles. I've no idea who won - that didn't seem important to either of them and it was just two boys hanging out playing games. So good to see.

Thanks Ali for coming up to play. It was as awesome as always to catch up and I can't wait to keep working on our little secret scheme LOL!


Chrissy April 15, 2009 at 8:56 PM  

Oh hon sounds *perfect*, nothing like friends coming to visit! :) :)
Chrissy x

Shazz April 16, 2009 at 6:41 AM  

sounds like a wonderful day all round shari.

Jodes April 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM  

Oh jigs im so so happy the boys are home, i know how much you miss them when they're not around and YAY!!! to catching up with Al, i bet there was lots of hugs and long overdue chats.

and whats this secret scheme? i hope you 2 plan on sharing secrets otherwise my imagination will take me to all sorts of places LOL!!!

love you

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This little space on the web is to share the lessons I've learnt - and am learning - in good living. Some of them I apply regularly and yet others I wish I was more consistent with.

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