Only 2 more sleeps ...

>> Monday, April 13, 2009

There are only 2 more sleeps until the boys come back and I can barely wait. Although I enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with 'me' time, I miss my two rascals like crazy and hate the extended time away from them. My days have been fairly full though which helps to pass the time and has allowed me to catch up on things around the place.

I went with Jenni to IKEA on Saturday and was stunned by how busy the place was. She was there to pick up a new futon and I just soaked up the gorgeousness of the displays. I love IKEA and their style is always fresh and modern and yet homely too. Lots of lovely little things to look at and sigh over.

Yesterday, Joy came for a Rocky to Brisbane stay-over and she has not long left. It's been fabulous. I love her to bits and always enjoy our catch ups. Wish they were more frequent but love the way she can turn up and we can carry on a conversation that may not have been finished last time!

Of course I've made some more soap too. One lot in the crockpot and here I am looking like a mad scientist in the soap making goggles! It's a sensational look I'm sure.

Brewing away behind me in the crock pot is some soap being made with only olive oil - especially for my gorgeous little godson Max who has a reaction to all types of commercially produced soap.

The boys and I are heading down there Wednesday and so I decided to make this batch in the crock pot so he could use it immediately.

The good news is that it has a very nice, soft and gentle lather and hopefully, with fingers tightly crossed, it will be fine for his delicate skin. The not so good news is that it is as ugly as sin. Too ugly to even photograph LOL! Hideous in fact. I've packaged it all up so I don't have to look at it LOL and have written him a note promising that his next batch will be prettier!

The other batch that I made - using the Cold Process Method - is Rooibos Tea soap. On Saturday night I brewed up some Rooibos tea and cooled it overnight. I used that instead of plain water in the lye mix as Rooibis tea is choc full of anti-oxidants and goodness. I also sprinkled some tea throughout the soap as a bit of an exfolliator and I think it looks rather nice. The photograph doesn't really show how creamy it looks and I'm now waiting, waiting, waiting the four weeks until it cures! Ahhhh that patience thing again!

I've wrapped some up (ok heaps!) for passing friends (Joy and Tanya) but still have a nice little collection sitting on the curing rack as can be seen below. I do love giving things which will be handy considering I am likely to make much more than I can personally use. It's hard not to keep thinking of ideas that I then just itch to want to try. Soap anyone???????????


Roz April 13, 2009 at 5:29 PM  

oh sis your sops are looking fab! Can't wait to try some ;o) hint hint lol

Hope the next 2 days go quickly XX

Shazz April 16, 2009 at 6:46 AM  

waving hands for a soap surprise too pet !!!!!
i am LOOOOOOOOOOOVING the lemon myrtle soap given to us by one of our clients at the moment....let me know when you perfect the art of lemon myrtle soap making and i will be your biggest customer xxoo

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