It's the Sunday before Monday

>> Sunday, April 19, 2009

How quickly this Easter holiday break has flown!! I've managed to cram a fair bit into the week-and-a-bit  we've had and I have really enjoyed catch ups with Jen, Joy, Ali and Margo. I've also done some great reading and of course some soap making too!!
The soap at the top is one that I made up with a combination of nice creamy oils to use as a facial soap. I love washing my face with foamy, bubbly stuff and am hoping that this has a nice lather without the tight squeak at the end if you know what I mean! Only 4 weeks minus one day until I can try and give you the verdict. The soap below smells sensational but unfortunately looks like a slab of meat!! I thought that instead of making a Crock Pot batch that looks like a dried dog turd, that I would add a bit of Red Clay (so good for the skin they say!) for colour. Well I got colour alright. A hell of a lot of colour and to be honest the photo barely shows its true vulgarity!! The boys however think it's much more interesting than the insipid pale ones that had previously been crocked potted and so off to their bathroom it goes LOL!
Lucas has enjoyed his birthday and was beside himself to receive a Wii game he badly wanted as well as a jigsaw puzzle and some new pens for his DS. A lucky boy! It was hot dogs for lunch by his request and then chocolate mud cake for desert mmmmmm. I have never been a big on baking (though would love to be good at it) and so a Woolie's Mud Cake it was and as you can see by these pics it went down a treat! I'm still coming to grips with having a 12 year old!!!
In the morning it will be up and go for the first day of the new school term. I'll be doing this 10 week term full-time and it will be very interesting to see how that goes after so many years of being a part-time kind of gal. I'm stepping in for someone who's offsite working on a district project and thankfully she'll only be a phonecall away as there is a lot to learn about the specifics of her role - I've also found out that in the field of Vocational Education everyone talks in acromyms so there may be just a little head nodding and ah-haaing going on until I get a grip.
There is so much I would like to type about, but so little time .... I'm going to have to make some time to link to the blogs that I've been loving lately - just have to sort out how I want to organise it all here and of course I want to set up some links to some blogs of dear friends too. This week then may be the start of the TO DO LIST! I'll add that all to the list and see how I get on!
Last pic for this post before I go is the thumbs up from Susan Boyle. I've played this clip again today (more than once too) and it still gives me goosebumps and has me in tears. As much as I love her angellic voice, and the fact that she sings with so much passion, I am totally captivated by the looks on the judges faces and how they can't even begin to hide what they really had been thinking. Susan Boyle, you definitely get the double thumbs up from me.


About This Blog

This little space on the web is to share the lessons I've learnt - and am learning - in good living. Some of them I apply regularly and yet others I wish I was more consistent with.

I'm planning on having lots of things to read, share and think about, all in the quest to live the best life possible! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you return to share my journey.

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