Happy Birthday Dear Lucas and the amazing Susan Boyle!

>> Saturday, April 18, 2009

How can it be 12 years since I was cradling this gorgeous young man in my arms as a newborn? It amazes me each and everyday how much love my heart has for him (and his brother too of course!) and how proud I am to be his Mum. Now at age 12, Lucas is fine company. He is sensitive, thoughtful, well spoken and absolutely piss-funny! I love all that about him and so much more! As we have completed the first term of his last year at Primary School, I am constantly reminded of how quickly time has flown and undoubtedly how quickly it will continue to pass. I'm also reminded of the need to seize moments - not just the gigantic sizzle and sparkle ones, but the day-to-day memories that make my heart sing when I pause to reflect on them.
Today I was reading Gabbie's blog over at The Soap Dish and you will know if you've read my previous posts that it is her I need to thank for my newfound addiction to making soap. Besides soapy stuff, Gabbie had linked to the Britian, You've Got Talent performance by Susan Boyle. I may be a bit slow on the uptake as I had not seen or heard a thing about her before this. I clicked on the YouTube link to HERE not knowing at all what to expect. Needless to say my reaction was similar to that of millions across the world. I initially saw two of the judges appear a little cyncial and have to admit I assumed they were going to just take the piss out of this woman appearing on their talent show. From the moment she opened her mouth my eyes welled with tears. And then these tears fell as did many more. Susan Boyle has the voice of an angel and what a lesson has been learnt about not judging books by covers. I'm not sure how else to put into words what this footage means to me, but Susan Boyle, Bless you and may your dreams continue to come true.
Tomorrow I shall take a picture of the organisation I have finally managed in the spare room. Tonight I need an early one to be ready for someone turning 12 in the morning!


Shazz April 18, 2009 at 10:01 PM  


and yes pet - i too was brought to tears by Ms Boyle's amazing talent and belief in herself....a lesser person (and that would be someone like me) would have shrunk from the cynical looks and "behind-the-hand" sniggering that went on before she opened her mouth and sang like one of heaven's angels. i hope she goes on and wins. and i hope she gets kissed too.

did you also see the dance troupe called "flawless" that were on the same show - AMAZING.

thanks for the constant blog updates....makes me feel a little closer to you and your boys, reading of your daily to-ing and fro-ing.

miss you all heaps - big hugs and kisses to you all xxoo

Roz April 19, 2009 at 4:33 PM  


Love from Us xx

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